Power Mobile Transition
The integration of electricity with transportation vehicles is essentially like a large, mobile power bank. Aside from providing power for the vehicle's movement, in an era where electricity is needed everywhere, why can't the vehicle be a carrier, delivering electricity to various customer groups and venues, just like delivering gas?
Idea Sketch​​​​​​​
Final design
TRANSER is based on a tricycle design, which can increase stability while also serving as an unmanned vehicle for tasks in all environments. In the 6G era, it can navigate through various terrains (e.g., outdoor mountain areas, battlefields, etc.). Of course, its most significant feature is the ability to provide mobile power supplies as needed.
Besides the vehicle battery required for its own movement, TRANSER can transport three medium-sized batteries, as shown in the picture below, and is also equipped with commonly used AC and DC outlets.
The advantage of the tricycle design is that it's stable for carrying goods, can penetrate and adapt to various terrains, and additionally, as the whole world is striving towards the automation of vehicles, in the future, the tricycle will also more easily meet the conditions for unmanned driving.
Physical Model
Laser cutting line draft
Thanks for watching !​​​​​​​
Designer : Yen Chieh Kuo
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Special thanks to Syu Wei for his help


